My name is Lesley Boyatt-Neal and I am looking forward to an exciting and great year with your child. I have been teaching for 18 years and I am very proud and blessed to be able to work in the Oneida School System!
Boyatt-Neal, Lesley

About Me
Supply List
1 backpack
1 pair of blunt tipped scissors
1 plastic pencil box
2 folders with pockets
2 boxes of 24 count Crayola crayons
8 glue sticks
1 box of #2 pencils
1 reusable water bottle (to be left at school)
These items DO NOT need to be name brand
The following items are not required but are greatly appreciated:
Toys for treasure box
Clorox wipes
Washable markers
Ziplock bags (any size)
DO NOT need hand sanitizer
Class Schedule
8:15- 9:00- Whole Group Reading
9:00-9:45- Reading Centers
9:45-10:30-Enrichment/RTI Read
10:30-10:45- Recess
10:45-11:15- Lunch
11:20-12:00- Math- Whole Group
12:00-12:45- Special Classes - Monday- Music
Tuesday- Library
Wednesday- P.E.
Friday- Learning Farm- Lab
12:45-1:30- Small Group Math
1:55-2:15-Centers (Read RTI)
2:15-3:00- SS/Sci/RTI Math
3:00- Bus/Cars
Online Resources
These are a few resources that can be accessed online for students to use!
MobyMax. This is our school-wide online resource that is used in the computer lab on a weekly basis. Students are familiar with this program! Information about login was on the outside of the packet that was sent home. After you login, the students can then find their name and click on the pass-images they have chosen for their account.
GoNoodle. This is a website and app that gets students up and moving! They have lots of silly videos that the kids love, along with some educational and calming options. Go to or download the app! There is also a new interactive app called GoNoodle Games.
Jack Hartmann on YouTube. Jack Hartmann has tons of educational videos for young students on almost any subject. You can find his videos on YouTube by searching "Jack Hartmann".
ABCya! This is a website and app that has educational games for students. Go to and click on Grade K. has instructional videos on a variety of subjects with other activities to use. It has a variety of instructional levels as well.
These are some of the options:
BrainPOP Jr.
Username: OneidaElem2020
Password: Oneida2020